A Life characterised by 'high-technology' ...
- My scientific 'career' as a marine biologist started in 1993 with a thesis on cyclic recolonization of the soft bottom animal community due to anthropogenic eutrophication
in the sublitoral Flensburg Fjord (northern Germany).
- After some research on the fauna in marine macro algae
and a brief sojourn in the fields of fishery effects
on marine benthos, I entered deep-sea research. Now I am one of the rare species
familiar with the megafauna*) in the
- During more than ten years I was mainly involved in environmental studies related to manganese mining (Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone, Peru Basin).
- In 1999 I got some insights into the abyss of the Arctic Ocean (Deep-sea benthos of the Fram Strait).
- Due to the fact that in the Federal Republic of Germany only few jobs for deep-sea biologists were available, I studied internet and multimedia programming in Kiel, searching for new challenges.
- From May to October 2001 I worked as an IT professional at GAUSS Interprise AG in Hamburg/Germany. Due to the declining wolrdwide economy I had to leave the company.
- Since November 2001 I am working as a webmaster at the German Red Cross Organisation in
*) Megafauna is defined as animals, large
enough to be determinable on images (photographs, video recordings) with
low abundances, so that usual sampling gear does not provide accurate
density information.